F3 Greenwood

100% Humidity

Disclaimer given right on time due to good mumble chatter today. Piddler was already off to get in MAX miles for the month and the remaining Pax headed out for an Out and Back 45 minutes to return.

Back at the fountain mumble chatter continued and the Pax learned that one of the group was a college cheerleader, who shared an old  cheer for their opponent from a few years ago. “That’s alright, that’s OK, you going to work for us one day!” Good work was done by the group, Corn Cob was back out trying to work out some leg pain that started a few weeks back, Special K continues to go slow and steady clicking off miles each week, Southern Belle was running this route for the first time and maybe his longest run?…keep up the good work!  Judge Judy pushes past any pain and increases his miles each time out.  Piddler, err Forest Gump, kept running, and running, and running as we began the COT.  Made his goal of 75 miles for the month.  Great work, now get ready to cook some BBQ next week.  With that being said, the BBQ teams will occupy the Fountain AO next week, it was suggested that we move to SB for the next Friday run.

Names and Count done

Prayers for Madison (Special K 2.0) surgery next week, Rocky, Heather, and Trace, Holiday travel and safety, injured Pax

Verse Of the Day: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Matthew 6:33

We all “seek” many things, but we should only be seeking his kingdom….and with a passion!

As always an honor to be a part of F3 and lead and work with these men, until next time.