F3 Greenwood

22 Pax woke up this morning Thankful for the #CoffeeRuns.

Conditions: 35* and primetime to Redline

Disclaimer: Given

Do your thing and run…

The Wednesday Starbucks is my favorite run day. One, because it’s the only option for the day, so it gives an opportunity to see the guys that you don’t normally get to see. Two, because with our growth in running abilities the Starbucks 5k has morphed into a run day that has a ton of route options. Everything from the original 5k, to several 5 mile routes, and even XL options for those that want a little extra by posting early. It’s great to see how far this group has come. Just a little over a year ago at my first CoffeeRun post I couldn’t run the full 5k without stopping to walk a little. Now I’m training to run a half marathon in a few weeks. Crazy. All of us have some sort of testimony similar to this. That’s one of the reasons I’m thankful for F3 Greenwood. But the biggest reason is the friendships it has brought and the accountability to get better in every aspect of life (not just physically) it has brought each one of us. If you feel the same way, don’t be selfish with this gift. Share it with as many guys as you can. EH new guys and those that have fallen off.

With it being Thanksgiving tomorrow I mentioned that the most important thing we have to be thankful for is Christ coming to sacrifice himself on the cross for us. To me the second most important thing we should be thankful for is Forgiveness. Christ’s gift of salvation comes unconditionally. Despite the fact that we mess up EVERY DAY Christ forgives us unconditionally. If we want to live a Christ like life we need to find it within ourselves to forgive those that have done wrong to us. The peace that comes with forgiveness (not only to the one who has done wrong, but also the one who has been done wrong) is immeasurable. Giving true forgiveness will strengthen your relationship with Christ and bring you closer to being Christ-like more than anything else you can do.



* 12/3 Christmas party @ Sugar’s
* Several races on the calendar
* Keep an eye out for future opportunities to give back

Prayer Requests: Thanks Kobayashi for not letting me skip this part!
* Dixie Chick has in-laws visiting
* Duggar has in-laws moving in
* Judge Judy has a doctor’s appointment today to discuss his injury
* Kobayashi’s Grandfather recently passed away
* All those that are in need

As always…

Until the next Q
MM is out