F3 Greenwood

7 pax, including one runaway FNG from yesterday’s workout, put their celebration of the New Year and Clemson’s victory over Oklahoma on hold to go run the Hills and start the New Year strong!

Conditions: 55 degrees, cool and DRY. (Thank you Jesus!)

The Thang:  Run from the fountain to Cambridge Avenue, then up to the top of the bridge, then loop back as many times as you can for @30minutes.

COT, countorama, nameorama.  Welcome to FNG Landon Wolfe (Refugee)!

Announcements:  F3 Greenwood Convergence on January 16th.  All AOs will meet at the Epicenter at 6:30am.  Coffeeteria afterwards at Howard’s, and we will also have Q school at Howard’s.  Q school is a great opportunity to learn about F3, and is a must for anyone who wants to Q or would be willing to Q sometime this year.  Please plan on coming if you can.

March 12, F3 Greenwood will host its first CSAUP event, #TheAssault. 8 Qs, 30 minutes each, one day.  Start making plans to be there!

Prayer requests: Nipples is traveling this week.  Prayers for everyone to have a great 2016 and to continue to encourage and lift one another up.

Ball of Men