F3 Greenwood

6 pax showed up for the inaugural Starbucks 5k! Summertime has hit Greenwood and muggy gloom has come along with it. We welcomed 1 FNG(Ricky Redlight) and has a guest post from F3 Shelby(GoGreenGo).


The Thang

Run 5k course as fast as you can…..Run from Starbucks down By-pass to County Bank. Turn left at the light. Run down hospitality road(Movies, Lowes, Publix) back onto ByPass. Turn right on to Cross Creek Connector. Left onto Montague and back to Starbucks. Mosey to get at least 30 minutes in.


Countorama, Nameorama, Snoop closed us in prayer.

Good run by the pax. Snoop (our white rabbit) and Pacer dominated the course. GoGreenGo was not a big fan of our humidity but laughed at the thought we thought we were running hills on the course! Great having Ricky Redlight and GoGreenGo join us. Coffeeteria was next! Looks like this may become an official Wednesday run but only time will tell!