9 Pax showed at the fountain for some hill work this morning. 7 gave the Rabid Wolverine a whirl.
Conditions: Perfect
Disclaimer: Given
The Thang (The Rabid Wolverine):
- Head out across Main St toward Inn on Square
- Turn left onto sidewalk in front of Countybank
- Run up sidewalk and up the first flight of stairs head
- Run across the top and down the other staircase
- The next staircase is closed (run faster)
- Head toward Seaboard and go down Seaboard to the red light
- Turnaround and go back up Seaboard
- Head across Main Street toward Big Mac
- Run down the first hill into the shopping center
- Run across and back up the stairs in front of the shopping center
- Head back toward the fountain
- Running up the first set of stairs on this side
- Run across the top and down by Howard’s
- Head back to the fountain to complete the first lap
- Rinse and repeat
We were counted. We were named. And we prayed.
Announcements: 5k in Hodges tomorrow. Party/Cookout/Something at Boy George’s house afterward. Anniversary event for F3 Greenwood on May 12. Sign-up today.
Prayers: Uncle Buck. Bubba Fennell. The Tran Family. The drug problem in Greenwood.
This morning as we shared prayer requests I talked about Mr. Tran. His daughter is in my oldest daughter’s class at Merrywood. I got news yesterday that he was in a moped accident earlier in the week and suffered a serious brain injury. Last week, I had the opportunity to get to know Mr. Tran during a three-day field trip for Merrywood 5th graders. He seemed like a great guy and I could tell, from his interactions with his daughter, that he has a strong love for and devotion to his family. I got word this morning that a scan yesterday showed some brain activity, where previous scans did not. I don’t know what that means for the overall outcome of his situation, but he still has a long way to go as I understand it.
Learning this news reminded me that every moment is important in this world. And life-altering circumstances can emerge faster than we can blink. I personally spend a little too much time with my mind focused on the future or the past. I forget that it’s more important to realize there are some things you just can’t change. I forget, as a book I read last week aptly pointed out, it’s more important that I “don’t skip to the end” in life. I need to keep reminding myself, that It’s of the utmost importance that I remain grounded in the present—soaking up every God-given moment with joy and appreciation.
For what it’s worth, that’s where my head is today.
As always, thanks for the accountability and for joining me in the Gloom.
Until next time, here are some throwback tunes.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsciXMVO8Q8?rel=0&showinfo=0&w=560&h=315]