F3 Greenwood

Conditions: Miserable. Cold, Windy and Wet.

This was one of those mornings when staying in the fartsack sounded like the best choice, but I am glad that I had the Q because if I didn’t, I would have been sleeping away in my warm, dry bed just like most of the F3 Greenwood PAX.

Flossy and I took of at 5:15 and headed up Montague for a 22.5 minute out/22.5 minute back run in the rain. Meatloaf, for some reason, had decided to start early and get in a couple extra miles. We all returned around 6 for a short COT.

COT-Count, Names, Announcements, Closed in prayer.

The weather was nasty but the company was top-shelf. Thanks to Flossy for posting today and giving me someone to run with. Misery loves company. #Tclaps to Meatloaf for putting in the extra effort and getting in those extra miles.

As always, thank you for the opportunity to lead another workout and serve my fellow PAX.

Dixie Chick