F3 Greenwood

Today was the 1 year anniversary of run groups in F3Greenwood and the Wednesday Starbucks coffee run continues to be problematic. Some say a split must happen, some want a split of COTs with a combined coffeteria and some want everything to stay the same. Hopefully we keep pushing 40 to 50 pax at this AO and the powers that be have to make some situation. A good problem to have when more and more men are being affected by F3.

PAX left from Starbucks in the 0500-0515 timeframe and returned to Starbucks in the 0555-0600 timeframe.

Cobains for lack of PAX list, my phone died a few minutes before starting to type this and am currently to lazy to go get it off of the charger…if you were there, you know it and if you weren’t there, you know that also