F3 Greenwood

Conditions:  A crisp and cold 35* with clear skies and a bright Carolina moon in the sky


The Thang

Run about 1/2 mile from the FountainHead to Cambridge Ave. Take the left and wait for the 6. A couple PAX decided to run an out-n-back in preparation for the following day’s Run Your Ice Off 5/8K race.

Run from Pascal’s to the peak of the bridge, cross the road, run back, repeat.

Count-o-rama: 12




Starting Monday Feb 8 there will be two running locations for Monday runners: The traditional out-n-back from the Fountain and a new location at the Shipyard (run type determined by Q)

Starting Tuesday Feb 9 The Epicenter will begin at 5:15 for Tues/Thurs bootcamps. If the previous time prevented you from posting (YHC included), that excuse is no longer valid. Post and #getbetter.

#TheAssault @F3GWDEpicenter on March 12, 2016. Sign Up. Do it.

Be sure to follow all of the new AO accounts on Twitter:
