Conditions: Hot and Ready
Disclaimer: given perfectly, time to work
20 Calf Raises On Your Own
10 Morning Glorys On Your Own 10 Cut The Grass on Your Own
5 Minute Session of Modified Griff (On Football Field) Run at 5 K Pace from End Line to End Line
Sprint Back to 50 Yard Line
Jog/Mosey back to End Line
Rinse and Repeat for Five Minutes
The Thang
Fartlek Session as Follows
Run at 5 K Pace for 6 Minutes
Sprint for 30 Seconds (Although the Q improvised and lengthened to 45 seconds to a minute) Jog Slowly/Walk for 1 Minute and a half
We repeated for four rounds
Countorama – 7 Pax Namaroama Announcements
Some Pax are gathering tonight to carpool to Weaver’s (Lewis Masters) Brother Funeral in Greenville Run Shirts and Red Friday Shirt orders need to be made soon
Aiken Launch July 30
Next Kids and Dads July 30
Need Guys for BRR (Not sure I was hearing correctly but Pusher is getting the itch)
YHC posed a fairly simple and straight forward question to the Pax this morning to test their Bible Acumen. The question was as follows. Were there any runners in the Bible? I am sure there were ton of runners in the bible but this HC decided to focus on one. The runner that we need to immolate is Joseph. Joseph can be found in the book of Genesis and most people know Joseph for being thrown into a pit by his jealous brothers and eventually sold into slavery. What most people do not realize is that Joseph was a stud! Genesis 39:6 states that Joseph was well built and handsome. Joseph also had a major problem. He was being seduced by his master’s wife. Three times his master’s wife tried to entice Joseph to participate in sexual immorality with her. How did Joseph respond? Genesis 39:12 Says that one day she caught him by his cloak and said, “Come to bed with me!” But he left his cloak and ran out of the house. See Joseph was a runner! How does this apply to us? In a world of sexual immorality and in a world where our sexual desires are tested on a daily basis, sometimes the best strategy is to simply run. Remove yourself from the situation. If you are struggling with an affair or being tempted at your job site or other places then it is best to remove yourself from the situation. If you are battling Porn do not put yourself in a place to be tested. We are all manly men. Joseph was a manly man but when it came right down to it his best line of defense was to simply RUN!
Prayer – This is where it got a little interesting. I can handle most anything. Not sure I was ready for the song that started playing during the prayer. Not to name any names (Judge Hairy) but the ole playlist seemed to include a song that fit right into YHC’s devotion. You will have to get with Pusher and he will give you some instructions on the technology and how to silence the ringer.
YHC Out!