F3 Greenwood

Yes YHC is one month late writing this BB, a disgrace I know. My lateness does change the fact that 14 men got out of the fartsack and made their way to the fountain to run on this clear Monday morning.

A disclaimer was given and everyone headed out for 45 minutes of running or more for those that left early.

Everyone returned safety with Leaner returning quickly and leaving quickly with an Elvis emergency.

Countorama 14 PAX



Prayer and Praise Reports


The word I gave this day was that those who know my story have seen a dramatic physical change in me. I’ve lost 60 pounds to date since joining F3. But there is a question that keeps nagging me and that’s can anyone see a change in the spiritual and emotional sides of me. It’s easy to see my physical change but can you notice any change in the spiritual and emotional man that I am? More importantly can my family see any changes in me? That’s where the change matters most and they know me best so they should notice the change if there is any to be noticed.