F3 Greenwood

YHC put out the call to PAX to join him for an early run to Hustle, YHC’s 1st Hustle, and 2 beasts showed up…Alpo, the Fountainhead Q went as far as he could with us before turning around and the  toughest guy i know right now ran the distance, ran Hustle and ran back to the fountain….

Any who, YHC does not like to run fast, i can and will at times, but i don’t like to….for guys in the clydesdale division, fast hurts….now and later….that being said

the all important disclaimer was issued

YHC, not knowing what the Hustle guys had done in the past, decided to go with the hardest type of training run i’ve done and NOT loved in years past, the fartlek…..the route was out to County Bank, take a right and go to the 22.5 min mark and come back….the thang was this…mix slow jog sections with almost all out sections…the PAX picks the start/stop points for the fast sections and does as many hard sections as he can….

Work was done!!!

countOrama, nameOrama, prayer request

Jon Scott and family, Pacer recently lost a co-worker and longtime soldier(much respect), Benedict asked for prayers for society and our nation and of course there are many unspokens

Ball it up, pray it out



i know hate is a strong word, but i hate running fast and hard….it hurts…BUT, it doesn’t kill!!…ifunowhutimean

i have said this a few times and will say it until everyone listens…F3 works….in less than 6 months, it has transformed me into someone that John David Bell actually likes and respects….Y’all have helped me to be a better man, a better person, a better human being. Y’all have seen an awakening of an idiot that loves to run, a runinfool if you will, but there’s so much you haven’t seen….thank you is not enough, so i will promise to keep pushing to get better and to continue to be a part of “we few, we happy few, we Band of Brothers”