F3 Greenwood


Coming up with titles for Backblasts can be challenging some days. So I went to my iTunes playlist to see if there were any song titles I could lift. The best I could do today was a nod to The Boss and his song “10th Avenue Freeze -Out”.  

Conditions: COLD 34*

It was another perfect morning to get out and get some much needed miles to start the week. I was excited to see that we had several PAX ready to hit the streets this morning, especially after some tackled a whole 13.1 just two days before.

Disclaimer given at 5:15 and off we went.


22.5 minutes up Montague Ave, and 22.5 minutes back. Meet at the Uptown Fountain at 6.


Announcements: Upcoming races: Run Your Ice Off-Feb. 4, Lander Habitat for Humanity 5k-Feb.11

Furious February: All weekday boot camps at Fury will begin at 5 am and go until 6 am. Starting Feb. 11, all Saturday boot camps will be at Fury at 6 am.

Battleship this Saturday, Feb 4 – Shipyard

BOM- Closed in prayer

Thank you for the opportunity to serve my fellow PAX. As always, it is a blessing to be able to lead the workout.

Dixie Chick