11 pax showed at the Uptown Greenwood fountain for a Monday Out n Back run. At least 4 pax left out early for some XL work. Everyone else left out at the typical 0515 start time. Everyone arrived back at the fountain by 0600.
We counted and named, announced and prayed.
Prayer Requests: Spud and family, Bubbly’s new position at work
It’s always great to arrive at for a Q and see that others are already there getting in some extra work. #tclaps to Bubbly, Thumper, Refugee, and Bueller for getting there early in order to go a little farther. Pax are training for several different events right now and that seems to keep the motivation level up. If you aren’t signed up for an event, find one and use that as fuel to make sure you’re out in the gloom pushing yourself and others to get better.
PS – There was no rain between 0515 and 0600. Don’t trust the forecast – just post and #getbetter no matter the weather.