F3 Greenwood

Conditions: 64°

Disclaimer: Given

15 pax ran away from the fountain and then back to the fountain.  Some went XL, some ran the regular route, some ran an alternate route.  All returned by 0600.  Glad to see Cobra Kai make it back out for a run.  Good work by all.  If you showed up this morning, then you got better whether you feel like it or not.

-There was some confusion, but based on the Q sheet, Saturday’s workout is at Fury at 0600.
-Rabbit Chase is next Wednesday (9/27) at Starbucks.  Get your PR’s and estimated finish times to Judge Judy ASAP.  Judge Judy has promised a Pre-Blast sometime before the race.
-F3 Dad’s/2.0 campout is next weekend (9/29-9/30) at the Oasis at Connie Maxwell.  If you haven’t signed up, try to sign up ASAP so we can get the necessary food.  This is always a great time for everyone who attends.

Prayer Requests:
-Fabio’s dad is leaving with a group for hurricane disaster relief
-Woodpecker is in Houston performing hurricane relief
-2 girls from Bean-O’s church are leaving for a 2 year mission trip.