F3 Greenwood

YHC took the Q at the last minute from Dixie Chick this fine morning.  My intention was to run the Wolverine but Polly quickly chimed in that the stairs were closed and we could not run the Wolverine, so Misty Mountain was called.  Everyone headed out at their respective pace and solid work was put in by all in attendance.  As I ran the Misty Mountain route I couldn’t help but think of the symbolism of Good Friday and a misty mountain.  Our Savior gave His life of a cross on a mountain top and there were many in attendance weeping.  Weeping over the brutal death of someone they loved so dearly.  It never ceases to amaze me that we call this Good Friday.  Oh what a savior that we can call the day of His death good.  And it was Good because He took on the wrath of God in our place.  He bore the punishment of our sins.  It was a Good Friday and a good run on Misty Mountain.  We counted, we named and we prayed.


Meatloaf Out