Conditions- 57° and misting rain
When I arrived, I saw more vehicles in the parking lot than I expected to see. I really figured the weather would have caused some alarms to be cut off. Beano took off a few minutes early, since he had to jet right at 6. Pothole was already gone. Judge Hairy and Polly were still in Polly’s truck. Flossy and Bueller pulled up just in time for the disclaimer. 5:15 and it’s time to go. Bueller only made it to Seaboard when he started experiencing knee pain. He did the smart thing by knowing what his knee was telling him. He took it back to the truck instead of pushing it and risking an injury. We all came back at 6:00 for COT and BOM.
Announcements- nothing really new
Prayer requests- Flossy and Boy George will be traveling this week. Boy George is headed to Colorado to try some new brownie recipes, and Flossy is headed to the Dominican to learn how to do Polly’s new Batman implants.
BOM- YHC prayed us out.
Pusher did join several of us runners for 2ndF at Starbucks. Sugar must have brought the pain at Terrapin, because there were no Terrapin PAX there for 2ndF. See you next time in the gloom!
Southern Belle is hanging up…..