F3 Greenwood

20 pax, including one FNG, came out to the Fountain to be greeted by members of Greenwood’s Finest, looking for troublemaking men.  Through careful avoidance of showing faces, no pax were detained at the time, and we proceeded with the Leap Day fun!

Conditions: 49 degrees, cool but comfortable for an out and back run.

Disclaimer, along with exhortation that running behind the Q does not count as running, jogging, or even “aggressive walking”!

The Thang:  22.5 minutes out, 22.5 minutes back, up Montague Avenue.

We had an excellent showing, including the return of Double Bogey! Good to see him back.  Bogey also brought company, welcome to Tim Jones, (F3 Grease Monkey).  Also glad to see pax who haven’t posted in a while, hopefully the higher temps will cause even more pax to come out of hibernation and return to the fold!  Polly went XL, but had to leave early so he could have breakfast in Columbia! Also good to see Judge Judy and Unplugged back from the IR.


Announcements:  The Assault, March 12th, $5 for lunch, just a short, 4-hour boot camp with Chickfila for lunch afterwards.

Relay for Life: See Uncle Buck, we are putting together a team for Relay for Life on May 6th.  Check twitter for sign up information.

Whetstone: April 2nd – mentoring opportunity at 8am at Howards following Epicenter workout.  A great opportunity to be mentored and to be a mentor to others.  Baby Blu is QIC

April 30 – Mud Run – put your teams together, Dugger is QIC and will be following up with signup information soon.

April 9, Connie Maxwell Mud Run, looking for strong F3 participation.

May 20-21 – F3 family campout at Connie Maxwell.  Dads and 2.0’s Friday night for cookout, campfire and fun.  Saturday morning workout, breakfast, and more fun.  Then M’s are invited to join in a Pig Pickin at lunchtime for the entire family.  Only cost is cost of food and donation to Connie Maxwell.  Boy George is QIC for more information.

Prayer requests:  Mac&Cheese’s granddad, declining health.  Kobayashi’s mom, fighting cancer.  Church member of Kobayashi having hearth cath today.  Half-Stich having heart issues and on IR for now as a result.