9 pax broke the call of the #Fartsack and posted at #FountainHead for some miles on the streets of Greenwood. It only seemed appropriate that the Misty Mountain course be on the agenda today. It was a cool, misty, gloomy morning on the streets, but the pax arrived ready to put in some serious work! 2 pax arrived maybe XXXL and completed almost 11 miles. The other lucky 7 pax took it to the hills. These pax redlined, went farther, followed the plan, just simply….. WORK WAS DONE! #tclaps to all! The pax then circled up, we counted, named, but most of all we expressed our concerns and prayer requests for ourselves and others. Life is tough and many times it is not fair, but it is also great…..this COT had a little bit of everything. Thankfully, we have our brothers in the GLOOM, our families and friends, and the help from the Lord above to get through it.
Announcements (See newsletter)
Prayers: BluBall and his surgery coming up on October 18th, Mac and Cheese’s 2.0’s surgery October 19th, Thumper and court decision today about little girl attempting to adopt, Pax dealing with injuries, Silent prayer request for a member of the pax, travel for Alpo and Woodpecker to Houston, the millions of people dealing with Hurricane Matthew….the death and destruction it has and will cause, those that keep us safe and will help to rebuild and many more.