F3 Greenwood

Dixie Chick through out that there was a need for a Hustle Q last night.  YHC needed some miles, but coming to Hustle is like BOGO regular running miles, so I was happy to oblige.

Conditions: Low 60’s & clear skies.

Disclaimer: Forgotten until just now.  Dang it!

The Warm Up: Leave the regular parking lot with drink in hand and head north to the student parking lot.  Place your drinks down on the 1st lamp post and take a mosey around the school arriving back at this spot to get our work on.


Rd 1

Do you see the 4 parking lines bisecting the lot and the 4 light poles?  Starting at this one, hop back and forth over the lines counting each hop to 10, spin 90degrees and continue hopping side to side for another 10, spin 90degrees and continue hopping front to back for another 10, spin 90degrees and continue hopping side to side for the last 10.  This should have taken you in a complete circle completing 40 hops total.  Sprint to the next line and rinse and repeat.  Do this sequentially for all 4 lines and then sprint to touch the curb on the far side of the lot from the starting positions.  Sprint back to the 1st line.

Next work was traditional suicides at all 4 lines plus the curb ending at the starting point.

Next we gathered at a painted island on the starting line, 2 burpees, sprint to the end of the row, 2 burpees, slow mosey to the end of the lot, 2 burpees, sprint to the end of the row, slow mosey back to the starting point.

Take a breather lap around the school.

Rd 2

Same as Rd1, but we added an additional burpee circle flapjacking the sprints and slow moseys.

Take a breather lap around the school.


Line up at the starting line, when the clock starts sprint to touch the curb at the far side of the lot, then sprint back.  This was EMOM style and lasted for the remainder of the workout time +2mins for stoppage.  It was 10 laps in total.


Walk back to the flag.


Announcements: Fury the Sat @6am – Alpo is on the Q; Rabbit Chase next Wed bring $2 for timer chips from Tweeter; F3Dad’s Campout next weekend

Prayers: Unspoken

NMM:  There wasn’t much mumblechatter to be had after we got into the THANG.  Afterwards everyone was happy the Finisher was over.  My legs hurt now, hopefully everyone else’s do also and I’m not just being a whiney a$$ baby.  6 is a good manageable turnout at Hustle and hopefully folks can get back into some of the early creative Q’s that could be experienced there.  It’s true that all miles aren’t created equal and the 3.97 we ran this morning were worth twice as many taking it easy somewhere else.  I hope to see ya out in the gloom sometime soon, but until next time, PEACE!


JKS – Alpo