Disclaimer – given, luckily since Leaner may have sustained a tweaked back – don’t won’t the wrath of his M on YHC
Mosey from gathering spot to student parking lot
Light Pole Progression – slightly increase speed as you pass each light pole – x4
Sprint-HighKnees-Sprint x4
Sprint-BackPeddle-Sprint x4
4 Corners – sprint to cone 1, side step to cone 2, back peddle to cone 3, sprint to cone 4 – x5
All of the following performed as partner work:
3 Cone Shuttle x4
Forward-Back-Forward-Back Suicide x4
~25 yard sprint x4
~50 yard sprint x4
Mosey back to bottom of ConcreteMonster
Sprint ConcreteMonster, walk back down, Sprint hill behind gym, walk back down – rinse and repeat – 10 mins
Heavy breathing took the place of any mumblechatter that could have happened
Leaner came up lame on some of the hill sprints – hope his back is feeling better
YHC tried to make sure pax didn’t think we were racing when we paired up – no one obliged – everyone was busting tail against their partner
Multiple reports of full body soreness and dizziness due to hill sprints – either we are really getting after it – or need to do these more often – or both