F3 Greenwood

Conditions – 51* and Misty
Disclaimer – Pretty obvious this chubby potato is not a professional
22 PAX (a record for Wednesday 5k run) rolled out of the potatosack, I mean fart sack to join YHC in dodging the bright lights of early morning traffic in the Emerald City.
The Thang – 5K through the misty Wood! – regular route from Starbucks

Today was not about the 1st F. Over the last two weeks when Fitness seemed furthest from my mind, this broken potato got the full meaning of F3 brotherhood. When staying tucked away hidden in a potato hole within my own garden seemed to be my mission, mumblechatter helped pick me out of the dark hole I found myself in. Mumblechatter not in the sense I normally think of it. This mumblechatter was different. I am thinking about you, if you need me I am here, what can I do for you, your family is in my prayers, love you man was just some of the chatter I was hearing. I cannot express strongly enough or put into words what that second F meant to me this week. Fellowship! My prayer today is that I can step up and return the kind acts each of you bestowed on me the last couple of weeks and that I will always recognize an opportunity to encourage someone else when they feel like mashed potatoes! Thank You F3 Greenwood!
Announcements? Was in a fog. Don’t remember?
Ball of man.
