F3 Greenwood

Conditions: Cold, Clear 36*

6 PAX met at the Uptown Fountain to hit some hills on this chilly morning. 2 more left a little earlier for an XL run.

Disclaimer, Directions given at 5:15 and off we went.

Route: Run to Cambridge/Hang a left/Run to crest of the bridge/Come back down/Hang a left on Charles/Back down and Left on Cambridge to Manning Law firm/Repeat until time is called and return to Uptown Fountain.


Habitat for Humanity Nov. 18-Contact Pusher for details

Christmas Party Dec 3- Sign up on the Google Form

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Prayer Requests: Remember our F3 brothers who are dealing with personal issues, injuries, illness, etc.

If you know someone is having a tough time, reach out to them and let them know you are there for them.



Big #TClaps to Infraction for a STRONG first week. Hang in there brother. It doesn’t get any easier, you just get better.

Some poor soul must have dropped their bottle of Jack last night or early this morning. The smell of bourbon was in the air at the top of the bridge.

Once again Meatloaf made it all about him as we waited patiently for him to join us in the COT as he finished his post-run stretching. #IamThird