F3 Greenwood

12 pax heard the call from Meatloaf to get better and run the Starbucks 5K. Meatloaf layed down a little incentive that any new pax who showed up to run would be treated to coffee! 3 Newbies took the challenge and enjoyed a cup o’ Joe on Meatloaf! Juggernaut swooped in hot just in time for the gun to sound! Accountability works wonders across F3 Nation!

The Thang


2 pax met in the Starbucks parking lot for a little XL start to the usual run. 10min or so around the world greatest mall! 10 more pax would meet up with initial 2 pax and run the Starbucks 5K.


Counteramma, Nameramma, Prayer requests (Kobayashi’s friend and wife having sleep issues due to high stress, New President starting at Lander University, Multiple churches meeting at NSBC to do mission work in Greenwood)

12 pax posting for an F3 Greenwood run day broke another record! Meatloaf’s offer of picking up the tab for any newbie’s burned a hole in his pocket but brought out a few newbie’s. Glad to have Capri, Judge Hairy, and Kobayashi in the mix! Meatloaf maybe on to something  for newbies but mumblechatter from the running veterans could be heard trying to get their freebies! Tclaps to all the pax for getting in a nice pace this morning for the 5k. Major props to Judge Hairy taking the redpill and posting for this run! He is an inspiration to us all! Keep showing up Judge Hairy, we will be there for you! Well done!