YHC delivered the disclaimer with an added appeal to please be safe …your most important piece of safety gear you have while running is your head!
The weather conditions were…..Leaner would later say “like runin thru gravy”…perfect assessment
The route was the standard OnB modified to suit your individual goals
Upon everyone’s safe return, we did they usual thang….
there were some heavy hearted prayer request made…
one by F3… for a foster baby being taken from a safe loving environment and being returned to a previous home
one by F3… for his family mourning the loss of his brother one year ago “it’s gonna be a tough weekend”
one by F3… for his daughter who is going thru a health issue and facing surgery
one by F3… for a growing group of folks who lost their….husband father brother son friend mentor running partner in a tragic accident
i’ve spent some time this week thinking about the loss of an F3 brother, racking my brain trying to remember if he was one of the guys I met at Harbison or BRR just so I could say I knew the guy….to the best of my knowledge I ever met the guy…
- but then it occurred to me as I sat sipping coffee this morning, contemplating what to write in this late BB and reflecting on the events of this week that I do know the guy…I run with him every Monday, Wednesday and Friday…I workout with him on Tuesday and Thursday and sometimes Saturday. I have coffee with him on Wednesday, sometimes a beer in the evening…I text or tweet him throughout the day, laugh with him, get mad at him, pray with him, ask his forgiveness, hurt with him, live my life with him….he’s F3… and F3… and F3…, he’s my brother, one among many and I love him…
i am F3… and it is a humbling pleasure to be a part of this thing we call F3