F3 Greenwood

At times the attendance for Hustle has been know to be “hit and miss”.  Today was definitely a hit.

11 Pax decided they wanted to kick start May off with some speed work.

Conditions: 70 Degrees with a “slight” breeze

Disclaimer: Given in the parking lot

Let’s mosey to the track.


2 Laps around the track.  1st lap should be a very controlled pace to get the muscles warmed up.  On the second lap, increase your speed to your 5K race pace.

The Work:

40 Yard Dash:

Form 3 lines at the 1st set of cones.  3 Pax mosey down to the 2nd set of cones. 1st set of Pax sprint to the 2nd set of cones and the the Pax that are waiting sprint back and get in the back of the line.  Keep cycle going so 3 Pax are running at all times.

Recover was called after we ran these sprints for about 10 minutes.  I was not very clear on the instructions for this set, so things were somewhat discombobulated.

100 Yard Dash: (learn my lesson from the first set and made the appropriate adjustments)

Form 3 lines at the 1st set of cones.  Standing in lane 1, 3, & 5.  3 Pax mosey down to the 3rd set of cones and stand in lane 2, 4, and 6.  1st set of Pax sprint to the 3rd set of cones, then wait for your turn to run back.  When all 3 runners have made it to the 3rd set of cones the 3 Pax waiting there sprint back to the starting line.  When all 3 Pax make it back then the next group of Pax takes off.  The 3 Pax that just returned to the starting line get in the back of the line. With 11 guys there will be a group of just 2 runners for one set of the sprints.

Recover was called after we ran these for about 10 minutes. This set ran much smoother.  Not to mention the extra rest, due to the distance allowed you to catch your breath a little more than the first set.

400’s: (No Dashing here…)

Run the 1st 300 meters at your 5K race pace (or push yourself to get as close to it as you can). Then Sprint the last 100 meters giving all you’ve got.  Take a 20-30 count and then hit another lap.

Recover was called after about 10 minutes.


Run 2 laps to get your breathing under control and to bring the heart rate back down.

Count-o-rama: 11

Name-o-rama: Listed above


  • Saturday’s workout will be at the Shipyard
  • Need 3 Runners to step up and join the BRR group
  • Come up with a Starbucks 5K Goal or PR to break and send to Sugar before 5/10.
  • Starting in June, Meatloaf will be leading a Bible Study after the Starbucks run.
  • Polly was presented his award for #MEGA and winning the April AO Challenge.  Nice job Polly!
  • Keep an ear out for Flossy’s big announcement.  Coming soon.  We hope…

Prayer Requests:

  • Weaver’s Dad has Cancer.
  • Rodman is struggling with alcohol and life in general.


  • Great to see a large group at Hustle which included some new faces.  Tclaps to the guys that decided to step out of their comfort zone and give it a shot.  Keep posting!  It won’t get any easier, but you will definitely get better.
  • Speed work is not just for fast guys.  No matter what your running pace is speed work will make you a better runner.
  • We won’t discuss the Shovel Flag incident this morning.
  • Speaking of Shovel Flag, the Hustle Flag is missing.  Will everyone please check their garages and trunks to see if they have it and bring it back to it’s home?

Until the next Q,

The Meter is paid up…