F3 Greenwood

The weather was perfect for running as it always is….the PAX were relaxed and ready to go…disclaimer was disclaimed and off we go.

the route: same as last week….North from the fountain, right down Seaboard, right on Phoenix, up over hill, down said hill, turn around at Index Journal backdoor back, over hill, back up Seaboard, turn around, repeat as needed

A # of PAX chose to run “the road to recovery” modifying the route as needed.

COT: countOrama, nameOrama, anouncementsOplenty, prayer requests: there are quite a few and all were lifted up in the prayer….I would like to remind all PAX to lift up Refugee’s 2.0, there is no worse feeling for a parent than when a child is ill


Devo from this morning as read by Pothole.

Written by F3-Peanut of Knoxville. As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good. 2 Thessalonians 3:13 It had been a really tough week. I felt pressure to get a project off my desk and I only had a couple of days to make it happen. I had been in the office late for several nights in a row. Tim, our nighttime facilities worker for our floor must have noticed the stressed, hectic activity over the three-day span. Usually conversational and engaging, he simply cleaned around my office and generally left me alone. One evening as I was leaving, I noticed a small package sitting in my outer office. It was a plate of food- leftovers from a luncheon that had occurred earlier in the day. There was a sticky note on the top of the covered plate that said “you’ve had a lot on your plate this week…hope this plate of dinner might help you. Good luck.” This sort of thing certainly wasn’t in Tim’s job description. But Tim noticed that I was rushed, stressed and probably not that pleasant to be around. This one simple act of kindness changed my whole outlook on the project- and especially my day. We are often consumed with our own projects, worries and thoughts. I pray for increased awareness to look around me and see how I can help others. It’s not always in those big, courageous acts either. We can lift the spirit of another with a simple, unspoken action. Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18 May we all be made aware of opportunities for kindness to others. God bless.

Again, can not ever express in words what F3 is doing for me….