F3 Greenwood

My apologies for super late BB.

Weather:  Nearly perfect

Disclaimer: Given

Eleven PAX showed up for a wonderful out and back from the fountain.  As best I recall, the temps were high 40s, nearly perfect for a morning run.  YHC has thoroughly enjoyed rejoining the PAX of f3 Greenwood to log some miles.  The hiatus from running post-marathon was a struggle on the mind.  Once running (or any other endeavor) becomes a fabric of your life, it’s a struggle to leave it aside for even a short time.

Announcements:  Feed Greenwood 5K is Saturday, November 10, at Greenwood Christian.

Prayer Requests:  Those dealing with cleanup and loss after hurricanes ravaged the coasts.  Additionally, prayers were lifted for those who are leaving their homes to help provide aid and cleanup efforts to hurricane victims.

Until next time, may your miles be easy and plentiful.
