7 Speedy Pax decided to Post at Hustle for a little Bleacher, Suicide, Concrete Monster, and Indian Run work. We pushed each other and we’re all better for it.
Conditions: 69 Degrees and perfect conditions to bring about a shirt wringing sweatfest (the only time today that Pothole’s shirt was not properly tucked).
Disclaimer: Given with 1 minute to go in the parking lot.
Warm Up:
Indian Run from parking lot around the front side of the school and around to the bleachers.
1st set:
Run bleachers x 4 (down 1st set of steps, up/down all the way down to the last set, up those and then out and around to rinse and repeat).
Shake it out and stretch it out.
Indian Run around the backside of the School to student parking lot.
2nd set:
Partner up and run suicides. Pax 1 sprints to speed bump, sprints back to starting line, then sprints to the end of painted lots, and sprints back. When Pax 1 returns Pax 2 takes off. Rinse and Repeat until time is called.
3rd set:
Keep same partner, but change up suicide. Pax 1 sprints to speed bump, then runs backwards to starting line, then sprints to the end of the painted lots, and then runs backwards to the starting point. When Pax 1 returns Pax 2 takes off. Rinse and Repeat until time is called.
Shake it out and stretch it out.
Indian Run around the outer parking lot and around to the bottom of Concrete Monster.
4th set:
OYO, Sprint to top just past the light post, slow mosey back down. Give yourself a 5 count and rinse and repeat until the is called.
22 Merkins for veterans! Reach out to a veteran and lend them your ear.
I Corinthians 11:3
* But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman [is] the man; and the head of Christ [is] God.
Don’t confuse this verse with us being called to be dictators in our homes, but instead, it places the responsibility on us to be the leaders of our home. Including both wife and children. In F3 we emphasize building each other up as leaders. There’s no more important role as a leader that we’ll have in life, than to be the leader of our homes.
That being said, this verse also tells us that Christ is to be our leader. For us to be successful leaders in our homes, we must first submit ourselves to Christ and follow him. We must become submissive leaders.
A submissive leader listen respectfully, admits when he’s wrong, shows a willingness to change, and mixes gentleness with firmness.
We also need to lead by example. We can’t be effective leaders if we instruct our family to live one way, but they watch us live another.
I believe if we lead by example in a submissive way we will build a foundation in our kids that will be there as they become adults. Even if they don’t always follow our lead as teenagers, we will have planted a seed that Christ can grow in them. Then when the time comes, they will know how to lead their on family’s as men (for those who have sons) and for those of us who have daughters we will have given them an example of the type of husband they will want to choose to lead them.
My challenge for you today is to see if your are being the leader in your home that you need to be. If the answer is no or your not sure, the next thing you need to ask yourself, is have I submitted myself to Christ’s leadership.
I have posted a song about by Sanctus Real – Lead Me, that pretty much sums this up. Listen carefully to the lyrics and trust that your family members are asking you to lead them. They may not verbalize it, but they are indeed in need of your leadership. This is definitely an area of YHC’s life that is in need of much improvement. All to often I try to tell myself that I’m doing the things behind the scenes that need to be done and “they’ll be fine, they’re independent”. But I’m robbing them of the Father and Husband that they need and deserve.
Don’t short change your family.
* Relay for Life is this Friday, starting at 6:00 (I believe). Even if you have not signed up to be on the team, or raised any money, still make plans to come out and enjoy the 2nd F! Uncle Buck is the QIC.
* May 14th, 1 Year anniversary Workout at Epicenter. All other AO’s will be closed. Whetstone Program Information will be shared during 2nd F at Howard’s. Baby Blu is Whetstone QIC.
* F3 Dad’s & 2.0 Camp out at Connie Maxwell. Boy George is the QIC.
* Juggernaut will be doing the Memorial Day Murph at the Epicenter on Memorial Day at 7:00 am. Great opportunity for the Double Down.
Prayer Request:
* Spud and Family
* Meatloaf
* Refugee and his 2.0
* All families represented in F3
* All military past and preset
* With several of the “regular” hustle posters posting to the out and back YHC was a little concerned that the 2 man BOM may come into play this morning. But YCH was pleasantly surprised with the group we had post.
* Not much mumble chatter was heard over the heavy breathing, but there was just enough encouragement from everyone to push ourselves.
* It has become a custom to give warning calls at all the speed bumps now, so luckily there are no crashes to report.
* After the Devo YHC gave, Benedict shared what impact F3 has had on him in just the few weeks that he’s been coming. YHC has heard and seen Uncle Buck speak of this often too. F3 works!!!! Getting better physically is a VERY small benefit that you will receive. Let’s not be stingy with this gift. EH the guys that come in contact with and let’s build F3 The Wood into something that makes a major impact in the lives of the men in Greenwood.
As always it’s my honor to lead a workout. I receive so much more than I give.
Until the next Q
Meter Maid is out…