8 pax met at the Fountain for some fun out and around the streets of Greenwood. YHC tweeted out there was only a 40% chance of rain but evidently jinxed the forecast because a nice refreshing rain pelted the runners and biker as the pax made their way around town. The hills were not alive today (pax choice) but it sure did feel good to get out and pound the pavement to start it. YHC has struggled mightily with getting back his running groove but for at least a mile running in the rain……..things felt good again. Happy Birthday Uncle Jed(yesterday). Congratulations on the new found RESPECT! Good having you out there to kick off the “New Year”. Meatloaf pushed the rock on his bike. Detour and Bueller pushed the pace. Pothole dropped me like a bad habit. Spud was back getting in some miles working back into it. Special K was working through a tight hammy and even felt good enough to jog some. Good work by all. Glad you guys came out. Until next time…..Floss
Bootcamp at Fury tomorrow 0600 followed by 2.0 Boot camp at 0800. Chick-fil-a afterwards. Their will be a changing of the guard tomorrow as Boy George hands over the reigns as the 2.0/Dads facilitator. Thanks for all you have done BG! Congrats Judge Hairy on the new role. Thanks for stepping up!
Prayer requests
Dylan….please keep this child and his family in your prayers they are much needed.