F3 Greenwood

Today’s workout was strange.  Not because the work was strange, but due to the circumstances under which the work was performed.  I arrived at the Civic Center at 5:00am hoping to get an extra mile or two run in before the normal Red Friday festivities began.  I was excited to see two cars in the parking lot as I pulled in, but I did not recognize either.  As I got closer, I noticed two females outside of the cars smoking what appeared to be swisher sweet type cigars.  I greeted them with a good morning and they replied the same.  Soon thereafter a male voice popped out and said “como estas” and laughed.  I assume I appeared Spanish in the poorly lit gloom.  I replied “good morning” and moved on to the vacant playground area to set up for my run.  As I am setting up on the bench, I am startled to find that the playground is not vacant and 3-4 gentlemen are just chilling in the shadows.  At this point I become a little scared.  To make matters worse, I failed to lock my wallet in may car and its in my pocket with a few hundred dollars of cash (I was taking to bank for Jordan to deposit from him waiting tables).  I’m confident I’m about to get mugged.  I consider texting Meter and Jugger (who no showed by the way) to hopefully get some back up.  Instead, I just reached out to the fellas and asked them how they were doing.  They responded “good” and asked what I was doing (which was ironic given that they were chilling at a playground at 5:00am).  I pretended to do some stretching to pass the time and thankfully Hulk pulled up.  Sour and Meter joined as well.  The fellas then migrated themselves over to the parking lot to hang out with the females and other guy who thought I was Spanish.  They stay there the entire duration of the workout making a lot of commotion and puffing on Swishers.  It was an odd Red Friday to say the least.


Work went like this:

Benchmark WOD


AMRAP – 20 Mins


5 Pullups

10 Merkins

15 Squats



UJ – 21 rounds

Meter – 18 rounds

Sour – 18 rounds (although we think he shorted himself a round or two)

Hulk – 17 rounds



Brenton – 3 rounds for time

100’ bear crawl

100’broad jump (w/ 3 burpees after every five jumps)

Full disclosure – we think we shorted the 100ft by about 20 ft due to sidewalk interference.  Hence the reason for the quicker than normal times.  Still a real butt kicker.



UJ – 3 mins 19 seconds

Hulk – 3 mins 53 seconds

Sour – 4 mins 47 seconds

Meter – 4 mins 50 seconds