F3 Greenwood

YHC came across this WOD a couple of weeks ago and filed it away for future use and today was the day.

Disclaimer was given.

Humid as usual.

The Payne Train WOD


      This workout is dedicated to Corporal Randy Payne and Corporal Matt dinning who were killed together on April 22, 2006, in Afghanistan while conducting a Close Protection mission. The men were killed when the armoured G-Wagon they were riding in was struck by a roadside bomb near the Gumbad platoon house.

    The WOD

      400 meter run
      5 rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats)
      400 meter run
      4 rounds of Cindy
      400 meter run
      3 rounds of Cindy
      400 meter run
      2 rounds of Cindy
      400 meter run
      1 round of Cindy
      400 meter run

    The WOD actually calls for a 300 meter run but we modified to 400.

      Crayola – 25:09
      Foreclosure – 25:20
      BenGay – 27:07
      Duggar – 27:19
      Abacadaba – 27:57
      Pacer – 32:44
      Buster Moon – 33:31
      Pothole – 38:37



      Terrapin tomorrow
      Tan and Swole Ale challenge starts today

    Prayer Requests

      2 of Pothole’s co-workers battling cancer
      Pacer’s oldest 2.0 and the passing of his grandfather


      Great work put in this morning by the men. This WOD is a great Murph prep WOD.
      YHC shared Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” This verse epitomizes F3 to me. Ironic thing is that this verse was highlighted in my M’s Bible and it talked about the importance of the husband having friends. She showed it to me and it made me realize how lucky YHC is that she supports the craziness because she knows how important it is for YHC to have male friends. And as YHC has said before, this is the first time since college that YHC has men that YHC knows can be called on at any time to do life together. That is invaluable. That is why we need to EH guys who we haven’t seen in awhile. That is why we need to invite more guys out. We all have guys in our lives that need this. So, why don’t we EH and invite them. My challenge to each of you who are still reading this is to EH one older PAX or invite one FNG every week. YHC needs to do a better job of giving this thing away to the men of Greenwood. And also thank your M’s for supporting the craziness. It makes us better husbands and fathers.

Until next time,
