6 post to honor Chris Kyle America’s most lethal sniper.
Conditions: 31F, Cold as Balls is what it feels like since the bottom dropped out o the thermometer 40 hours ago.
Disclaimer: Given at the re-planting of the shovel flag.
Chris Kyle Hero WOD
40 Kettle Bell Swings
40 Box Jumps
40 Thrusters
40 Decline Merkins (using the box)
But first there was a short mosey around the perimeter to retrieve coupons from the cage and return to the center of the universe otherwise known as the Epicenter-center.
Here are the results:
Sunshine 22:53
BabyBlu 25:03
Sour 25:09
Alpo 25:46
MeterMaid 26:39
Sugar (w/Vest) 28:31*
That’s right, Sugar beasted today in a weight vest and Sunshine left us all in his dust! These two set the standard today.
NMM: At Red Friday, 6 is a really good group size. It allows for a ton of mumblechatter between each other but is small enough so that the pax do not have to spread out to far from each other. This workout in particular is one of my favorites, it allows a person the chance to really push themselves hard. I look forward to the next time I can post at another Red Friday.
You can read more about Chris Kyle here:
It was a pleasure.
JKS – Alpo