14 men posted at Red Friday to either get in their attempt at the Week 3 workout(Meter’s 43) of the Iron Pax Challenge or to attempt a trial run of the rough draft of Week 4 and a Hero WOD.
Tickle, Maryanne, Weaver, and YHC headed off to the football field for the trial run while the rest of the men began their 43 minutes of fun.
We ran through one round and as a group we finished within 8-9 minutes.
After we completed the trial, we returned to the playground area to find our brothers still working hard on getting through Meter’s 43.
I decided that we would run Hansen until time ran out. For those of you not keeping up at home with Hero WODs, Hansen goes like this:
5 Rounds for time- 30 KB swings, 30 burpees, and 30 BB Sit-ups.(Doesn’t look too hard on paper, but it will kick your butt)
We were all on round 4 when time was called at 6 am.
COT: We counted, stated names and closed out in prayer.
As always, I am grateful for time I can spend with my brothers in the Gloom. May we continue to push each other past the limits we have in our minds and continue to accelerate in all parts of our lives.
Dixie Chick