F3 Greenwood

It was a small group this morning at REDFriday and, honestly, YHC has come to prefer it that way. Well, maybe not small, but that those who post there come prepared to give everything and then some with a never quit attitude. It makes all the difference in the world.

That brings me to another one my favorite things about REDFriday – the requirement to follow. We all like to lead (that is why we do what we do, right?), but the first and most important ingredient of a good leader is that he is a god follower.

  • REDFriday workouts are typically “for time” so everyone has to start at the same time — with the clock. No getting impatient or getting a jump on the field.
  • REDFriday workouts are done as prescribed. Yes, anyone can modify what they need to, but the workouts are done as they are laid out. If it says “50 merkins, 50 thrusters, 400m run” then you finish the merkins before starting on the thrusters. No mixing things up.
  • REDFriday workouts are hard. And that is the way it should be. Who wants to get up at 4 a.m. to do something easy? If I am wasting precious sleep time then I want it to be worth it. And because it is hard there are times I would rather do it my way or a different way. You have to push through these thoughts and get after it anyway.

Those three elements force me to learn how to follow. The better I become at following then better I will become at leading. When I went through Leadership School in the Navy, the very first class was entitled “Followership.” In the heat of battle, orders must be given and orders must be followed.

Today, we honored Special Operator Chief Collin Thomas. Chief Thomas was killed in Afghanistan on August 18, 2010 in the eastern part of Afghanistan. While specific details are not given (as is the case with most special operators), it is not crazy to assume that the engagement occurred near the Pakistani border, a place where many brave men have given their lives.

Read more about SOC Thomas here.


  • 6 RFT:
    • 400m run with coupon
    • 24 OH Press
    • 24 Box Jumps
    • 24 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
  • Results:
    • Pacer – 31:07
    • Juggernaut – 34:37
    • Sour – 35:53

Not surprisingly, those two men who posted with me laid it all out there. There is something that is so special about the REDFriday workouts. We have tried to export it to other areas, but it has not been the same. It is hard to describe or put into words, but you can feel it. It is tangible and real.

As we finished up the workout, physically and mentally exhausted, we chatted about the strikes against Syria last night. While the consensus was that they were warranted and necessary, the one thought I could not shake since I first heard the news is that if we end up embroiled in a war with Syria (or, by extension, Russia) then real men will die. Those are men who are sons, fathers, husbands and brothers. They do it voluntarily, yes, but that does not change the fact that they are gone forever. I made that pledge myself (as have Pacer, Duggar and a number of others) and damn near thought I would be honoring it on more than one occasion, but the fact still remains that good men die in war. It is simply unavoidable.

In Chris Kyle’s book “American Sniper,” Kyle talks about lessons he learned from his father. The most poignant one being that there are three types of people in the world: sheep, wolves and sheepdogs. I have to think if you are reading this right now that you have been called to the life of a sheepdog. It is a life that requires great sacrifice, dedication to the calling and laser focus on the end game. Choose today to be a sheepdog, a man looks after the well-being of his family and community.
