Gentlemen, as the fall weather blesses us with cool mornings and pleasant evenings, the time has come to gather round the camp fire and sing songs of our people. If you can’t sing, that’s ok, there wont be much of that going on, but there will be plenty of 2nd F and mother nature to go around. In order to plan accordingly, we are putting out this feeler to see just how many pax are interested in gearing up and sleeping under the stars.
The Thang:
An overnight camping excursion with hiking, fire, food and relaxation.
When: Early to mid-November (Just when the mustaches are starting to form)
Where: The site will depend on how many pax are interested. The last trip was held at Laurel Fork Creek Fall on Lake Jocasse.
Who: Anyone in need of some 2nd F, Fire and Mother Nature
How Much: See where…costs will consist of food/drinks and gas.
Why: Why not
As we get an idea of how many men are interested, we will update the details. Let me know by 10/10 if you are interested in attending. My email is I look forward to seeing you out there.