F3 Greenwood

Here it is….the last one. Things are returning to “normal” around here and so is F3Greenwood, so this will be the last challenge. The AOQs would like to thank you for playing along with this game of ours for the past 6 weeks and we hope that it has kept you entertained. And while, it sucked in the middle of the workout or the week of mileage, at the end of the day YHC is impressed at the guys who pushed themselves every week and stayed engaged with each other through out. So, we decided for week 6 to go out with a bang. Just remember, we love you all and if you aren’t uncomfortable during the workout, you should’ve stayed in bed. Because if it’s not hard, it’s not worth getting up in the gloom.

Capture the COVID-19 Flag Week 6 Challenge

This challenge is for time. Cones will be set out at the starting line, 10, 20, and 30 yard marks. Each PAX will secure a coupon and bring it to the starting line where it will stay for the duration of the challenge.

Set 1

    Perform 25 curls at starting cone.
    Bearcrawl out to 30 yard cone
    At the cone, perform 10 hand release merkins (release at top and bottom like we did in week 1), 20 air squats, and 30 big boy sit-ups.
    Crawlbear back to starting cone.
    Perform 10 manmakers at starting cone.
    Bearcrawl out to 20 yard cone.
    At the cone, perform 10 hand release merkins (release at top and bottom like we did in week 1), 20 air squats, and 30 big boy sit-ups.
    Crawlbear back to starting cone.
    Perform 10 manmakers at starting cone.
    Bearcrawl out to 10 yard cone.
    At the cone, perform 10 hand release merkins (release at top and bottom like we did in week 1), 20 air squats, and 30 big boy sit-ups.
    Crawlbear back to starting cone.
    Perform 25 curls at starting cone.

Set 2

    Perform 25 OH press at starting cone.
    Lunge walk out to 30 yard cone.
    At the cone, perform, 10 burpees, 20 Bonnie Blairs (the easy way), 30 flutter kicks each leg (60 total).
    Reverse lunge walk back to starting cone.
    Perform 10 thrusters at starting cone.
    Lunge walk out to 20 yard cone.
    At the cone, perform, 10 burpees, 20 Bonnie Blairs (the easy way), 30 flutter kicks each leg (60 total).
    Reverse lunge walk back to starting cone.
    Perform 10 thrusters at starting cone.
    Lunge walk out to 10 yard cone.
    At the cone, perform, 10 burpees, 20 Bonnie Blairs (the easy way), 30 flutter kicks each leg (60 total).
    Reverse lunge walk back to starting cone.
    Perform 25 OH press at starting cone.


    1 point for each PAX that participates
    1 bonus point if each member of the team participates.
    1 point for team with fastest average time.
    1 bonus point for each PAX who completes under the target time which is TBD and will be based on some trial runs of the challenge.


    This is the last week of the challenge, so push yourself.
    Maintain good form through out the exercises.

Again, thanks for being unwilling participants through out this challenge.

Until next time,
