Conditions were great, the company was even better.
The Work
EMOM timer w/ 5 burpees every minute then mosey until it goes off again. We did that for 25 minutes then cut it down to 3 burpees for the next 10 minutes. With 15 minutes left we decided to switch it up while rotating merkins and squats for 1o minutes until we got to the bottom of Fury Hill. For the last 5 minutes we went back to 5 burpees every minute up Fury Hill and into the parking area.
Great work by all 3 who attended. 180 burpees and 4 miles isn’t a joke.
Announcements – Get up and get out to an AO near you, even if you’re a tad bit late you’ll be welcomed with open arms.
Pistol convergence November 13, 6am Abbeville
Prayers – For Everybody (all spoken and unspoken)
see you in the morning