F3 Greenwood

8 PAX made the decision that just a #RedPill was not enough – they needed a larger dose – so they elected to post at the first workout for F3 Greenwood’s newest AO – FURY!

Fury is no regular boot camp; rather, it is designed to push those who dare to post to their outer limits of physical and mental capabilities only to have the PAX thirsting for more. Since it is the very first workout, YHC decided that a tour of the available amenities. And so it begins…


  • 50° with a (very) brisk wind and wet from last night’s rain



  • SSH x 50 IC
  • Merkins x 40 OYO
  • LBC x 50 IC
  • JungleBoi Squats x 20 OYO

The Thang

Fast mosey up Merrywood and circle up at Laurel

Find a nice street light and circle up

  • Merkins x 40 IC
  • Squats x 40 OYO
  • Burpees x 20 OYO

Mosey down Laurel and take a left on Grace

Stop at old water plant

  • Merkins x 40 OYO
  • LBC x 40 OYO

Mosey down Grace and take a left on Bypass

Mosey up to Chick-fil-A and find a bench

  • 25 Decline Merkins
  • 50 Box jumps
  • 75 Dips

Mosey to Fury Road

  • 50 squats at bottom
  • Sprint to old Merrywood entrance
  • 50 squats
  • Sprint to middle of curve
  • 50 squats
  • Sprint to pull-up bar
  • P1 does max effort pull-ups then sprints down to dip bars for max effort big boy dips

Two Rounds

  • Max effort pull-ups
  • Max effort big boy dips





  • Convergence THIS Saturday 0630 at Epicenter! No workout at Shipyard. Epic cofeeteria to follow.
  • #TheAssault is 3/12/16. Sign up or hang your head in shame as the group who have embraced the challenge do a flyby of the regular boot camp (both AOs open as normal).
  • The 5 Year Celebration is 3/5/16 in Charlotte. You really don’t want to miss this. YHC has the lowdown of you are interested in going. This is a great chance to connect to the greater realm of F3 and will definitely make an impact on your life.

Prayer Requests

  • Thumper having some tests today on gall bladder
  • Solo and family
  • Fabio and surgery on his hand
  • Unspoken requests


  • Closed out by YHC

NakedMan Moleskin

  • Judging by Twitter activity, Fury’s opening day did not disappoint. #TClaps to the PAX who elected for the extra hard #DRP. Some even did extra credit…
  • Speaking of extra credit, box jumps onto wet concrete benches (that are also about 26” off the deck and higher than the ones at Epicenter) were not on the menu for a few PAX. That is totally OK. When YHC noticed this, he audibled for those doing step ups to double the number and let both legs get a taste of the Fury. 7 PAX were finished with merkins, box jumps and dips and UncleBuck (who is a beast) was still working on those step ups. It was then we discovered that math was not his best subject at 0530 in the morning right as he wrapped up 200 step ups. #TClaps dude. That’s a LOT of step ups.
  • A formal introduction was made to the Fury Road and, as anticipated, was a real #CrowdPleaser. Especially when YHC mixed in squats with the sprint up Fury Road.
  • Some PAX were caught planking when finished with the work at Chick-fil-A. New standing order at Fury – burpees for the six. Unless Meatloaf or Capri has the Q. They really hate burpees.
  • The manager at Chick-fil-A was only slightly freaked out when she saw 8 sweaty dudes huffing and puffing and blowing the house in at her beloved drive-thru. Hopefully, PoohBear remembered to let his employees know that his beloved F3 brothers would be making a pit stop, but not for coffeeteria.
  • Merlot was nearly splashed at the bottom on Fury Road, but not from the hill itself. No, there was some #Mumblechatter about socks, sea creatures and proms and then Refugee mentioned his prom date right in the mix of all that discussion and, well, some things are better left at the bottom of the hill.
  • #TClaps to Fabio for doing his Baptist pastorly duty and tossing out unspoken prayer requests. His sentiment was then echoed by Spud, who looks like he should have been a Baptist pastor. Or at least a Baptist.
  • Great work out there, men! You all made day one at Fury a blast!


Juggy out.