F3 Greenwood

3 pax gathered on a lonely asphalt road at a little place in #TheWood called Fury. One ran there, one road his bike there and one drove his truck there. These 3 wanderers came to this place looking for one thing………a #beatdown. On paper, it looked like YHC would provide this challenge. We all know it is political season and signs are all over the place to vote for so and so. YHC thought we could use these signs to aid in the #beatdown. To YHC’s disappointment the route chosen to get to the main event……(#Junior) only had 4 such signs. This would not do……so yields, stop signs, and stop lights were added to the signs we would observe. Let’s roll!








Max effort Pull-ups

Max effort Dips

Goblet squats w/coupon x 15

Mosey to Junior with coupon in tow. On the way…….

Political signs = 20 Bent over rows

Yield, Stop signs, or Stoplights = 20 Merkins

There were 4 of each along the way!

YHC noticed one of the best symbols of our country along the way…….Old Glory was waving proudly at the Fire Department so let’s get in 20 American Hammers around the Flag!

Junior would be next……..

5 Rounds

Kettle bell swings x 10 at the bottom.

Run up that lil hill

Burpees x 10 at the top

Run back down

Mosey back to the Flag…….YHC modified to a return trip the same way we came.  Hitting the same “signs” on the return but the exercises would change.

Political signs Triceps Ext x 10

Yield, Stop, Stoplights Curls x 20

22 Merkins back at the Shovel Flag for the Veterans that will commit suicide today.



Countorama, Nameorama, Prayers (Baby Blu’s Family,  for the children that are now in Charleston with a new family, Blue Ball and his family for upcoming cancer treatments)

Naked Moleskin

Great morning at Fury today! Small crowd but we stayed together and pushed each other through a tough boot camp on a warm humid morning. Summertime is here! Keep hydrated. If you think drinking water right before you post is enough, think again. Gotta keep those fluids going in the day leading up to the workout!

#tclaps to Pothole……speaking of hydration Pothole seemed to battle this the second half of boot camp today. YHC saw a hose at the bottom of Junior but it was just like a mirage in the desert. Pothole commented he was willing to help pay the bill to turn that water on! F3 workouts is not the time you want to “Stay thirsty my friends”! Pothole pushed through and conquered!

Well done Alpo getting miles in running to and from Fury! Speaking of miles. My Garmin clicked 3 miles right as we made it back to the Shovel flag. Not bad considering most of that was either with a coupon on your shoulder or conquering the best little hill around.

Have to admit probably the best part of the morning was 3 pax sitting on their coupons around the Shovel flag. We just talked. Various topics…….life, friends, Veterans. Pothole had a great story about a Veteran that is a neighbor of his. YHC had a talk with a Veteran at work this week. Good times……it wasn’t a long period of time and it was after an hour long boot camp bringing on Uncle Buck quality sweating. But it was a few minutes of male bonding that is the glue of F3. Always an honor and a pleasure! Aye!