YHC is publishing this on behalf of Inspector. YHC also sent out the count tweet and will tweet out this BB link in behalf of the Twitterless Inspector. Great VQ from a guy long overdue in stepping up to lead!
Accidentally dropped the word ‘fun’ in the disclaimer, and it became the unofficial theme for the morning. Sometimes you just have to fake it ’til you make it.
Warm-up with Indian run (w/ Merkins) around the short block: Laurel-Grace-Bypass-Fury Rd.
Remainder of work performed at the pull-up/dip station. Alternating between continuous work with the line and individual work with specific exercises:
Air Squats Pull ups (x10)
Lunges Dips (x10)
Merkins Tire flips (x5)
Big-Boy sit ups Diamond Merkins (x10)
Bicep Curls Thrusters (x10)
Russian Twist Burpees (x10)
Kettle Bell Swings Leg Raises (x10)
Tricep Press V-ups (x10)
Spider Man Plank Tree Hug (count of 20)
Finished a bit sooner than anticipated, so started from the beginning with modification: cut individual work in half and add 30 second plank at the switch.
A lot of great work put in by the PAX. I couldn’t ask for a better group of guys to grunt and sweat with in the dark. Everyone said it was fun, but I’m pretty sure they tell all the virgins (Q) that.
Of note: the amount of burpees assigned is inversely proportional to how many friends you have. HashtagstillnotonTwitter.
Prayers for Flossy’s uncle, Blueballs, Sunshine and family, Duggar, Sour’s friend at work, and a special praise for Jugg’s positive arbitration.
Announcements: Kettlebell workout coming to Fury in January. Run Your Ice Off in February.
Great fun, this Q’ing thing turned out to be. Glad I was voluntold by Juggernaut.