F3 Greenwood

9 pax awoke from their cozy fartsack slumber to a fantastic, crisp Fall morning of #Gloom. Today marks the first stop of a week of the Pain Train! A week of hitting almost all the boot camp AO’s (sorry Terrapin you were already booked)! YHC planned on some new ‘stuff” today and expanding the use of the Merkin Indian run……Pain Train! A nice crowd assembled including Sour on a Thursday. Just tell him it’s your birthday and he will be there! Let’s see what the pax think! Roll out!


COP (Brief but effective HR elevation)


Mountain climbers x 30 IC

Main Thang

Line up for a ride on the Pain Train (not sure if this name will stick but we will go with it for now) Thanks to the F3 Men of Bluffton for introducing it to me while on a little vacation boot camp. It goes like this. Line up for Indian run, the pax at the back drops and completes 5 merkins, then runs to the front of the line taping the next man in line to drop and hit some merkins…..you get the idea. We did this to the Dentist’s office.

Ascending Bear Crawls-Line up between 2 curves. 1 Derkin, Bear crawl to other side, 2 Derkins, Bear crawl to the other side, 3 Derkins………to 13 Derkins.

Indian run to the main event……Junior

11’s are on tap. V-ups at the bottom and burpees at the top! Start 1 V-up and 10 Burpees……ascend and descend appropriately totaling 11.

Called due to time and more to do!

Mosey to the Street Lights on By-pass.

Alternate 10 Jungle Boi squats and 10 Merkins at every Light pole. Plank on the 6.

One last Pain train….this time up Fury Road and back to the Shovel Flag.


Countorama, Namerama, Prayer requests( Mac n cheese’s 2.0 having surgery next week, Bluball and his M leaving for Baltimore today for his surgery next week, Inspector’s friend who committed suicide earlier this week and his family, Praise report Duggar’s niece was in a car accident on Leg 33 of BRR….thankfully she walked away.) Hope I did not miss anything. Also, pax recovering from injury.


F3 Dad’s Camp Oct. 21-22. Beds still available. QIC Boy George

5K’s coming up Palmetto Christian Oct 22, and Zombie Run(trail) out at Camp Fellowship for Bowers Rodgers Oct 29.

Juggernaut needs help doing some yard work for his mother in law. Have a few pax but more needed.


YHC appreciated Sour posting for my b-day on a day that was not actually my birthday. It did accomplish breaking his routine and have him post to a BC on a Thursday instead of going to Omni. Hopefully, we will all have birthdays everyday 365 to keep him coming back more during the week!

Uncle Buck and Alpo hit an early morning run….like really early they finished as we started COP.

9 pax was close to #problematic during the COP….. instead of a circle we went egg shaped to fit the road.

The new additions seemed to be #crowdpleasers. The Pain Train and esp. the Ascending Bear Crawls rocked. The comment was made that YHC was trying to sabatoge my competition’s office but nothing but respect. However, the ascending bear crawls earned the respect in the parking lot. The last reps torched the upperbody! At least it wasn’t something stupid like bear crawling around a track. #TheLegendofSugar

Junior was well Junior. I could feel Juggernaut’s thoughts of the wonderful little hill as we went back and forth but still managed to get a low 5 running by. Duggar absolutely crushed Junior (Thankfully in different shoes from RedFriday)….pretty sure he was not even breathing hard.  Time had to be called( YHC tends to get distracted on Junior and cause late returns to the shovel flag). Duggar made it down to 6 Burpees. The rest of the pax were on the way up the mountain…er hill and the relief on their faces as recover was called cut through the gloom. Major #tclaps to the pax…work was done and we were all close and with in shouting distance while knocking out each round. Way to encourage each other to keep pushing through the pain as well.

Refugee was in “recovery mode” knocking out the street light jungle boi’s and merkins passing pax left and right.

YHC really enjoyed this workout! Hopefully, the pax did as well. I don’t often go #Coupon free and Pull-up free at Fury but I have already had 2 cups of coffee. So hopefully, others are a little #beatdown as well. Great effort put in by all this day at Fury. Next stop…..Shipyard for the day after the First Anniversary of my 40th B-day. The workout is already ready. See you there! Always an honor men. Aye!