F3 Greenwood

Numbers across F3 Greenwood have been on the low side lately and with only one HC from Flossy, I wasn’t sure if we would avoid the 2 man BOM or not. As I pulled into the drive and noticed a car that did not belong to Flossy I was confident that we would at least have 3 guys. Then when I realized the 3 Pax were Flossy, Pacer, and Meter Maid I had that sinking feeling of it’s going to suck when the Q is the 6 all morning. Good thing I put the big boy britches on.

Conditions: Low 40’s again.

Disclaimer: Given

Warm Up: Who needs it?

The Meat of the WOD:

21-15-9: Each location we’ll have 3 exercises to do. We’ll do 21 reps of each, 15 reps of each, and then 9 reps of each.

First Location: Pull-up Bars

Second Location: Picnic Shelter
Box Jumps
Big Boy Sit-ups
Derkins (Decline)

Third Location: Laurel Intersection
Jugle Boy Squats
Werkins (Wide Arm)

Forth Location: Triangle intersection at Fury Driveway
Monkey Humpers
Whirly Boys

Fifth Location: Light Pole at Dog Park Entrance
Lunge Steps (Count 1 leg)
Reverse Crunches
Diamond Merkins

Sixth Location: Next Light Pole going down Fury Road
Flutter Kicks
Ranger Merkins

Recover and mosey back to the Shovel Flag



* 11/18 Habitat for Humanity work day
* 12/3 Christmas Party at Sugar’s house
* Be on the look out for BRR info
* Be thinking about the USMC Mud Run in mid May

Pray Request:
* Pax
* Pacer’s Mother In-Law received some good news but pray for continued recover.
* Pacer’s Father In-Law is having some tests done to see what needs to be done with his Gallbladder.
* Pacer’s Wife is still dealing with Plantar Fasciitis.

* Tclaps to Pacer who is dealing with a lower leg injury. The way he worked through the workout you wouldn’t know it.
* Nice work by both Pacer and Flossy this morning. It’s nice to have guys there pushing you to work a little harder than you really want to.
* Merkin Challenge count = 270
* Weather is on the decline, so it’s going to be harder stay motivated to post. Don’t let the fartsack get a tight grip on you and reach out to several guys to say hey and ask where they plan to post. Don’t ask if they are posting. Ask where.

As always….
Until the next Q
MM is out