F3 Greenwood

Conditions: Phone said 24 degrees, the frozen coupon and frosty grass agreed.

1 minute warning and disclaimer given

Warmup: 20 SSH IC, 20 Shoulder Taps IC, 20 Hillbillies IC, 20 Mountain Climbers IC, 10 Chinook Squats IC

Added a few extra here this morning, figuring we could all use a little extra blood flow before rolling out. YHC got some ideas off YouTube F3 workouts, this caused some concern among the PAX. Warmup complete. Mosey to grab a coupon and head down to Fury Hill.

A couple stops were called along the way as we were waiting on the arrival of Foreclosure who said he was rolling in hot. Stop 1: 5 Manmakers, Stop 2: 5 Manmakers and 10 Goblet Squats, Stop 3 10 Merkins. Timing of stops was credited to chorus of some MC Hammer.  We left the coupons at the last driveway entrance and completed mosey to the bottom of the hill.

The Thang

As soon as the street light above us came on (perfect timing) we stopped for 50 Monkey Humpers and partnered up for a Dora. Work as follows: 100 Burpees, 200 Plank Jacks, 300 LBC’s. PAX 1 works while PAX 2 heads up the hill to coupon stash, performs 10 bicep curls/10 tricep extensions (alternating each time up the hill) then return to bottom of hill and switch-a-roo.

Dora complete, time for another round of 50 Monkey Humpers (street light on again!!) We retrieved our coupons and went once again to the bottom of the hill. Same partners for alternating rounds of 10 Manmakers while PAX 2 holds a plank, then switch-a-roo until each completed 3 rounds of work.
Shoulder the coupons and return to pull-up bars.

With the time remaining we did: Descending rounds of pull-ups: 5,4,3,2,1 each. Time for a Tabata to finish us out. 20 seconds work, 10 second rest. 10 rounds. Odd rounds V-ups, even rounds Merkins. Just enough time for another 5 pull-ups each and

Recover called.

We circled up, we counted, we named.


Services for Gavin Truelove will be at 2:00 p.m. today at North Side Baptist Church. Burial will follow in Elmwood Cemetery, Ninety Six

Prayer Request

Keep Juggs and family in your prayers.
Greenwood (and all teachers/students across the country) as Covid #’s on the rise and school is back in. YHC prayed us out.


YHC was glad for the even number as this made my plan for Dora easier. Was also glad for the turnout, as I checked the forecast last night (and the fact there was a foosball game on) and it called for some cold temps. All 6 PAX went beast-mode and work was put in by all. Hug your babies a little tighter, tell your M you love them more often. No day is promised, and YHC plans to not take any for granted. As always, it was an honor to lead these HIMS this morning. Until next time, Brut signing off.