You know those bootcamps that you design that while you’re driving to the AO that morning, you know it’s going to suck. And you question you sanity. Well, this morning was one of those. For some reason, YHC was wanting to do manmakers this morning, and we did A LOT of them. Thankfully, 5 other beasts didn’t get scared off by some rain and enjoyed the madness with YHC.
Weather – rainy but warm
Disclaimer was given.
Warm-up was mosey to the coupon pile, make sure it has 2 handles, and move to the gazebo for some shelter for this. PAX 1 does 10 weighted step-ups. While PAX 1 works, the other PAX do manmakers. This continues until the group gets 100 cumulative manmakers. Now that we are officially warmed-up.
The Thang – Modified REDFriday Bauer WOD
Part 1
YHC came across the Bauer WOD yesterday and decided that it would fit the bill with some Furyesque modifications needed.
2 minute elbow plank
13 manmakers
18 KB swings
31 merkins
53 goblet squats
53 manmakers
31 goblet squats
18 merkins
13 KB swings
2 minute Al Gore
After completing each exercise, you planked to the 6. Once the 6 was in, 25 flutter kicks were done.
Part 2
50 calf raises
PAX 1 rifle carry lunge walks 20 total steps. While PAX 1 is working, the rest do pullovers to a chest press until it was their turn. Did this until all 6 did lunge walks.
50 calf raises
10 rifle carry lunge walks and legs to block
50 calf raises
10 rifle carry lunge walks and curl to press
50 calf raises
Part 3
100 cumulative manmakers
Recover was called and the blocks were returned.
Happy Hour at Koby’s house tonight
REDFriday and HeroHills starts at 6 tomorrow
Talon on Saturday starts at 7
Q sheet is wide open
Find your shieldlock
Prayer Requests
Flossy’s dad
4-way’s mom passed away from leukemia
This was a slobberknocker. This one made YHC really not like myself. But these guys beasted it out. MaryAnne and Crayola did it vested (not sure if that’s crazy or impressive), Sharpie is on a mission to catch Crayola YHC thinks, Brut is getting stronger everyday since he has shifted his focus to bootcamps, and Foreclosure is just Foreclosure. Pretty sure there is nothing he can’t do.
YHC shared 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Everything we do is supposed to bring Him glory. YHC doesn’t know about you, but this is easier said than done some days. But, this is a reminder that no matter what is going on at work or at home or when I’m out and about every thing YHC says and does is a reflection on Him. May this fact spur us on to be great examples of Him.
Until next time,