With my bootcamps being limited for the next few months, I’ve really placed an emphasis on getting the most strength training as possible on the days I do attend. I sent out an early call to get some folks to Fury and it seemed to work (although two HCs bowed out). We had nine guys show up and put in an hour’s worth of work.
Here is how it went down:
Work must be done in order (in an effort to avoid bottleneck, some started at top of list and others at the bottom). Max effort. Once you drop/stop, you must run to woods and back. Keep going until all reps are completed.
100 Pullups (10 rep minimum)
5 Tire Flips
200 Merkins (20 rep minimum)
5 Tire Flips
100 Back Squats with Heavy Thunder stick (10 rep minimum)
5 Tire Flips
21 burpee block jump overs (complete burpee by jumping over coupon)
21 Thrusters (With lighter Thunder stick)
21 Dips
5 Tire Flips
15 burpee block jump overs (complete burpee by jumping over coupon)
15 Thrusters (With lighter Thunder stick)
15 Dips
5 Tire Flips
9 burpee block jump overs (complete burpee by jumping over coupon)
9 Thrusters (With lighter Thunder stick)
9 Dips
5 Tire Flips
- Great crowd today. I looked around occasionally and was happy to see folks performing reps appropriately. Form is critical and an important way to get better. Reminder that if you are compromising on form (or cutting reps), you are only cheating yourself.
- Refugee destroyed this workout. I think he is the only one to complete it?
- Thrusters with the Thundersticks is a bit awkward, but you get the hang of it.
- Don’t let the size of the tire fool you, as looks can be deceiving.
- Music was a playlist developed for my backyard entitled “Garvo Pool Jams”. It’s geared to be a compromise between my hippie music and radio friendly. So you end up with some of the less jammy hippie songs.
- Holy Merkins – 200 in the middle of that workout really wore you down.
- Well done to the entire group for really putting it on the pull-ups. Amazing for far everyone has come. Put in the work, reap the rewards.
- I was initially concerned that the 100 back squats with thunderstick might not be enough, especially given the first group’s ability to knock them out quickly. I called for a modification to 200 and was politely told that 100 was plenty. After doing them, I agree.
- Great job gents.