6 pax posted to challenge Fury’s Revenge. Work was done.
A perfect 65 degrees
Starting at the entrance to Genesis, run down Fury Rd to Chic-Fila and perform 30 Bench Jumps.
Run to the bottom of Fury Rd and perform 30 Gorilla Squats. (Make sure you throw your hands high in the air on the jump)
Run up Fury Rd to the last entrance of Merrywood and perform 30 merkins.
Run to the crest of the hill at the lamp post across from the fence and perform 30 LBC’s.
Run a direct route to the pull-up and dip bars and perform 30 of each. (It doesn’t matter in what order, just get’em done)
Run around the shovel flag and down Genesis Dr back to Fury Rd. Start the circuit again but perform 5 less reps at each station. Continue to repeat the circuit until time is called.
Fury+Epicenter Mini-Convergence at Fury this Sat 10/8 @0630
F3Dads Campout 10/21-22
Prayer Request
Andrew Young family & Flossy’ Nephew both suffered great losses recently and need guidance and comfort to find a direction away from the pain.
There wasn’t much mumblechatter due to the design of the work. However everyone had encouraging things to say as each other passed in the circuit.
*The fact that a pax can’t do an excercise shouldn’t preclude them from posting and getting better. If someone can’t do the pull-ups necessary, post and do as many as possible on the bar, then do jump pull-up, then move to the dip bar for incline pulls. The idea of Fury, subsequently Fury’s Revenge, is about pushing a pax’s limit as much as possible for as long as possible. This can be done by substituting exercises when Max/failure has been reached on a prescribed exercise. I challenge all of the pax to post and push themselves, most will be surprised at how much more can be achieved.
It was a fine Tuesday morning for work and an honor to spend it sweating with these men.
JKS – Alpo