F3 Greenwood

7 pax posted for a modified Fury’s Revenge.

Fury’s Revenge was created by Juggernaut as a monthly challenge to test a pax’s physical fitness. This “test” identifies weaknesses with extreme precision and bias. It is a benchmark for anyone wanting to push their limits.

– 78 degrees with a humidity index just under 70.

– Made while walking to the starting area. Be safe, don’t hurt yourself or other people, cuz that’s just not nice.

– None

– Start at the intersection of Fury Rd and the Rd leading into Genesis

– Run down to Chick-fil-A; 30 box jumps

– Run to bottom of Fury Rd; 30 Monkey Humpers (Instead of doing MH’s, YHC decided to show tribute to a much more difficult animal, the Capri Gorilla Squat. A few weeks earlier, Capri, disgusted with how easy the Jungle Boy Squat had gotten, started doing these really high jumps that spread his arms at the peak and then landed with them together dragging the ground like a gorilla. Being the Q that day, YHC decided to modify the rest of that workout and much to the satisfaction of Capri caused dubious amounts of pain to be felt by the rest of the pax. YHC thought it a perfect increase of pain to be added to Fury’s Revenge.)

– Run up to last entrance of Merrywood; 30 Merkins

– Run to the crest of Fury (Light pole across from field); 30 LBCs

– Run to pull-up bars; 30 Pull-ups and 30 Dips in no particular order

– Run around Shovel Flag planted by parking area and back down to starting point

– Rinse and Repeat, decrease reps by 5 each lap until time is called.

Gold – Pacer
Silver – Sugar
Bronze – Spud

– Read your newsletter!

– BlueBall and family
– Rodman’s baby cousin

– Unplugged posted not knowing what Revenge was and after the disclaimer and directions, wished he’d have posted at the Yard instead. Aye, Revenge does bring the hurt!

7 professional pax posted to, and conquered a difficult workout without much fanfare. Little mumblechatter was heard, just guys breathing hard and doing work. Super intense, super tough, guys of the gloom bringing it with a quiet confidence. It was a pleasure this morning gentlemen!

JKS – Alpo