F3 Greenwood

8 pax broke the power of the #Fartsack and took that little Red pill for a #sufferfest at Fury. YHC has had this day in mind for quite some time. A quiet neighborhood rests over near the Fury AO. This neighborhood brings back a lot of good childhood memories for YHC. Every Christmas at the entrance to the neighborhood, Santa would greet kids. Today however, the neighborhood displayed a more painful side. Woodcrest has a nice “little” hill. Fury has Fury Road……but today “Junior” (Fury Road’s Evil Shorter Step Son) was unleashed on the pax.










The Main Thang

Grab Coupon Mosey to Stop sign 3 sets

Man Makersx10 OYO



Grab Coupons Mosey to Dentist office 3 sets


Triceps Extx15OYO


Mosey to Neighborhood(Woodcrest) 10 Kettle Bell Swings at Bottom; Run up “Junior” to house w/ For sale sign 10 Merkins, Run or coast back down. (The goal was 10 rounds).

Mosey Back to Flag (Typically not included but it was at least 1/2 mile away with coupons) Recovery stroll, walk of shame…….


Countorama, Namerama, Prayer(Injured Pax, Fabio, Dixie Chick, many others nursing injuries, Pacer’s friend’s mom in ICU)

Naked Mole Skin

So to continue the story from above, Junior is bad, bad, bad! Short but brutal hill. It would probably be an uncategorized climb in the Tour De France………at least that is my story! All the warm fuzzies of Santa Claus have been replaced by the #gloom and Junior laughing at the pax. The legs were definitely in pain making the ascent! The area Santa would greet the kids is now the brick pile where the coupons lay in wait to continue the #beatdown. It also collected some victims today. Who knows if “Junior” will stick….it was just a name thrown out there during the #beatdown and oxygen debt. But I’m sure the pax will experience it again!

Despite an injured foot (thanks to YHC posting a video of Back Flip Burpees), LiteBrite continued to do LiteBrite things pacing the pax through 8 complete rounds of the Junior repeats. Impressive to say the least! All pax gave their all which is what we are here to do! Awesome work by the pax pushing through burning lungs, legs…….and injuries.

#Cobains for going XL. Just hard to call time when the pax were having so much fun.  Scarry thing is we did not complete the full 10 rounds and I had another station to hit on the way back to the flag! YHC has the inaugural Furious Saturday in a week and half. The #beatdown may already be planned…….so be advised. Looking forward to the next one! It was an honor boys! Aye!