F3 Greenwood

So, YHC was called away shortly after converging with brothers for Howard’s breakfast after Q at Fury. Made one slight error of not posting F3 counts on Twitter before walking outside to talk to Heating and Air for an hour and a half. When returning inside and checking phone, suprised, no actually not surprised to see twitter blowing up wondering if Fury had a workout. Never fear, we did and here is all about it…..

Unlike usual Pusher Q’s , decided to keep it more raw because that is what Fury sounds like. Didn’t want a lot of music or team competition or even sport games. No, this was time for neanderthal beat down. Of course, Pusher had to leave a little mark and add a piece of the Pusher fun to the Pax workout. Here we go…


IW x 20 cadence
CTG x 20 cadence
Slow Squats with calf raise x 10
LBAC 10 front 10 back cadence

Mosey to flag–this was Pusher’s one moment to be Pusher . We were gonna reset the record and we were gonna do it to a song. The song I wanted to choose was an obscure one, one from the 80s. Maybe a cheesy one. Just one that would be fun, of course, fun to poke a little at the Jugster. After all, Fury was his baby, his design. Had to get one on my good brother. He likes that hard , alternative crap that no one knows. So, 80s cheesy it is! The song I chose was from 1986, from a movie called American Anthem, starring Janet Jones, wife of Wayne Gretsky. HOT! Performed as a one hit wonder, Andy Taylor of Duran Duran brought this song to us, that really has a great beat—Take it Easy. To this song , now that we are loose, the PAX and I did…….
105 SSH in cadence, and hitting every one I might add.

Next up, the Merkin run. A lap around Fury road, a treacherous mile and a half for you readers not from Greenwood. 10 stops along the way, each stop performing a different variation of the Merkin. A smooth mile and half and 200 merkins we did in about 20 minutes. Good job guys.

Last , time for some amraps:
AMRAP 1 -10 dips, 40 LBCs, 20 curls, 20 rows ..4 rounds
AMRAP 2- 10 thrusters, 20 BB situps, 20 calf raises coupon, 10 alpos …4 rounds
AMRAP 3- 10 pullups, 20 brick curls, 20 reverse crunches, 10 overhead triceps, got one round in and it was 7:01.

Announcements-head to Howard’s , ask friends and look at newsletter for updates
Prayer requests-Weaver said to remember his family. And he said thanks for F3 support .

In lue of usual devotion, YHC decided to share with guys something that had happened to him merely 3 hours prior. YHC was sound asleep dreaming . In this dream, he felt invincible because of his relationship with God. He started shouting at the devil to bring it on, send some demons and he would slay them. I think I had a sword in my hand. I kept looking for something to attack me , actually wanting to see it to take it on. And , of course, I woke up. Then , within 5 minutes, my mind started wondering to issues of life, how I felt like I was doing awful job as dad, as boss, how much I had to get done in this week before I headed to vacation. How much of a bad dad I felt like lately. I had tears in my eyes . My M sensed it and asked me what was wrong. I told her I had just been attacked by thoughts and overwhelmed. It hit me a few minutes later. In my dream, I wanted to fight the devil and spirit realm head on , wanted to see what i was facing. Wanted a fair chance. But realty is, it is not a physical fight we fight, but one on a spiritual realm, and spirits and principalities. I had to quickly pray to God for comfort.
Anyway, thought it was an interesting dream and then what happened afterward, so I thought I would share.

As always, love ya brothers.
Pusher out.