A lot of twitter and slack noise leading up to the workout this morning at Fury. Competition from the Nan-Tan at Epicenter and the threat of BOMBS at the Ship created the necessity of a Pain filled workout. UJ testified he was bringing a crowd, Jugger and MM HC’d. Some work horses were expecting a beatdown. Pegleg was on the fence and bean was worried about rain- but they both showed up. Weather was humid, but cool. Disclaimer was given- let the pain begin.
25 reps of each of the following, max effort dips/pull-ups between each exercise.
Scissor kicks IC
Man makers
Tricep extensions
50 reps of each of the following, 10 lunge steps (counting one leg) between each exercise
Kettle bell swings
WW1 sit-ups
100 reps of each of the following, 10 burpees between each exercise
Overhead press
6am got here just in time. Time was called, work was done.
Count a roma
Name a roma
Prayer requests
Pacers mom and father in law
Peglegs mother
Stacy and Tracy Rhodes father passed away
Bubba Fennell
Sunshines family, loss of FIL
I think everyone adopted a little pain to carry home. I believe everyone finished the work. Kuddos to MM for maxing out at 20 pullups, not sure how many Sour knocked out, but he sure was pretty doing them. And please keep Pacer away from during burpees after 100 merkins, the man sets an unbelievable pace. As always, a pleasure to lead a workout with these fine gentlemen of Fury.
Until next time, Baby Blu out!